Playing Freeciv, one turn per day







Planned game

Game info

Port: unknown
Version: Freeciv fc21-3.1
Admin: Blauwal
Created: 27.12.2024
Started: not yet started
Ended: not yet ended

A normal Longturn game with the following properties:

The start of this game is tentatively scheduled for February or March 2025. At least eight players should have confirmed for this game to start, but this is not a hard criterion.
This game uses a current version of the LTT ruleset with at most very few modifications. Unlike with classic setups, excess food is preserved upon city growth, analogous to excess production effort being preserved upon finishing a unit or building. The minimum distance between cities is 5 tile steps.
Shape of the planet
This game is intended to have multiple continents (larger connected landmasses) and several islands (smaller connected landmasses).
Tile shape
This game uses hexagonal tiles. More precisely, it uses the “isometric” variant of hexagons, which gives players a wider choice of tilesets: options are hexemplio, isophex, and RoundHex, which are hexagon variants of amplio2, trident, and RoundSquare, respectively. hexemplio and isophex are part of the Freeciv21 distribution, while RoundHex is still incomplete and must be installed separately, which can be done with the Freeciv21 Modpack Installer, using the URL
Turn length
Turns are 25 hours long. This lets the time of turn change float through the day, while avoiding the need to occasionally play two times a day, which exists with 23 hours long turns. The first turn is extended, lasting likely 50 hours.
Real-time interaction
The following playing activities are forbidden:
  • Directly interfering in the moves or attacks of another player’s units
  • Performing moves or attacks during more than two periods of playing within a single turn
Engaging in such activities may result in disciplinary measures up to expelling the offender from the game. Other players are encouraged to report such activities to the game administrator. If the game administrator is a player himself, another person assisting him investigates the incident. The final decision about whether to take measures and what measures to take is with the game administrator.
Winning conditions
This game can be won in any of the following ways:
  • By one player winning the space race
  • By up to three players of non-extinct nations posting a victory declaration to the in-game chat and the game’s Discord channel and this declaration not being vetoed by any other player of a non-extinct nation within five days (periods of 24 hours)


# player nation joined regent pc
1 Blauwal
27.12.2024 -
2 blabber
27.12.2024 -
3 AHemlocksLie
27.12.2024 -
4 mangofeet
29.12.2024 -
5 Gorithow
03.01.2025 -
6 thfr
24.01.2025 -
7 petromax
26.01.2025 -
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